A blatant (but free!) rip-off of Tetris. Tetrad comes with no warrantee; see the About text for more info. (Type Cmd-i while a game is not in progress.)
- Want to save disk space? Delete the PICT resources with ResEdit. No more Michaelangelo background, but now Tetrad only takes about 15k of disk space. Or, replace them with your own PICT resource (ID 128 for color, ID 129 for B/W) for a customized background. Tetrad will scale your picture to fit its window.
- If you know you'll always be running in color, delete the PICT 129 resource; similarly, if you'll always be running in B/W, delete PICT 128.
- Want to impress your friends? Edit the THSc resource. Delete it when you're done and Tetrad will restore things to normal.
- You don't need to type the command key to access menu commands; just type the appropriate letter. Also, typing return starts a new game just like B does.
- If you don't like the colors, use ResEdit to edit the HEXA resource with ID 128. The resource represents 7 colors, one after the other, each of which takes 6 bytes: 2 bytes for red, 2 for green, 2 for blue (in that order). Tetrad will use the closest available colors from the default color table.
- Scoring:
Each block placed: 15 points.
Each row zapped: 50 points.
Using the space key to drop a block from high up: 1 extra point for every two rows dropped.
Changes from version 0.1 to version 0.2:
Moved colors to resource file so user can edit them.
Improved animation and synched it to the vertical blank interrupt to reduce flicker. To make this easier (I'm lazy!), Tetrad now requires either B/W or 256 colors/grays. In addition, it can't do color on a 68000 machine.
Made level depend on number of rows zapped rather than on score. Adjusted scoring slightly to compensate. This change probably made games last a bit longer.
Added a high score list w/ names of top scorers.
Added a "reset high score" option.
Made new pieces appear an average of 1 square farther left -- previously there was a bias towards appearing farther right.
Improved the rotation of the long skinny piece -- previously one had to rotate it 360 degrees to get back to original position, now just 180.
Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a row to disappear immediately with the first piece dropped and which sometimes caused a row to be undisappearable.
Fixed a bug which caused the screen to be updated incorrectly when the window was obscured while the game was paused.